Christian Life ChurchBaltimore, MD | Rocky Knoll Baptist ChurchWalhalla, SC | Sandy Cross UMCElm City, NC |
St George Coptic ChurchRedmond, WA | Spencer Church of the NazareneSpencer, WV | Manna Harvest TabernacleLebanon, KY |
11th Avenue Baptist ChurchDalton, GA | Berean Assembly ChurchWichita, KS | Heather Bible ChapelVancouver, BC |
Bethel United Methodist ChurchAtlanta, GA | Ridglea Heights Baptist ChurchMoss Point, MS | Davidson UMCDavidson, NC |
Cherry Ridge Baptist ChurchBastrop, LA | Lilly Grove M Baptist ChurchHouston, TX | Calvary Chapel Bible FellowshipTemecula, CA |
Tabernacle Baptist ChurchPiedmont, MO | Northwood Family Worship CenterFlorence, SC | Baltimore First SDAColombia, MD |
Susanville Church of the NazareneSusanville, CA | Steilacoom Community ChurchSteilacoom, WA | Trinity FellowshipFayetteville, AR |
Sunset Church of ChristMiami, FL | La Cosecha MinistriesDothan, AL | The Glory ExperienceHouston, TX |
New Beginnings Family ChurchMillry, AL | New Creation in Christ MinEspanola, NM | Harvest CathedralMacon, GA |
Galilee Baptist ChurchSuitland, MD | Grove Baptist ChurchMemphis, TN | Bible Believers BaptistBuffalo, NY |
Crabtree BaptistBurnsville, NC | First Baptist ChurchMason City, IA | First Congregational UCCDowners Grove. IL |
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